Meet Dakota Partington: The Driving Force Behind Anime Pops Up


We are thrilled to introduce you to the creative genius behind Anime Pops Up‘s marketing magic: Dakota Partington! Dakota is not just a marketing liaison; he is a passionate anime enthusiast, a devoted Anime culture fanatic, and a true believer in the Anime Pops Up experience. 

Dakota first got involved when he attended another anime event run by the team; he fell in love with the community and culture. He wanted to be more than an attendee. He wanted to be an ambassador of the community, so when the team put together Anime Pops Up in Chicago, Dakota jumped at the chance to formally step in as Marketing Liasion. 

Anime-Pops-Up Dakota’s journey into the world of anime began long before he ever stepped into the role of marketing liaison. He is not just an enthusiast; he is a fervent anime fan, deeply immersed in the captivating stories, intricate characters, and vibrant culture that define this phenomenal genre. Dakota understands the significance of fostering a sense of belonging within the anime community. He is committed to making Anime Pops Up an inclusive haven for fans of all backgrounds and ages. His passion extends beyond marketing; it’s about nurturing an environment where fans can connect, share their love for anime, and build lasting friendships.

When asked what his thoughts are on the upcoming Anime Pops Up show, Dakota said: 


“I couldn’t be more excited about Anime Pops Up! This event is not just another convention; it’s a celebration of everything we love about anime. The sense of community and culture that surrounds it is truly inspiring. And guess what? We’ve got an amazing deal for you – hotel rooms for just $109 a night! It’s going to create an incredible weekend festival culture. Join us in celebrating anime like never before. Register now at and let’s make this event unforgettable together!” 

While Dakota is still in his early 20s, he looks forward to both his career advancing and years of celebrating anime and Japanese culture.
