Author Robert Barner’s ‘Shadow’: A Prodigy’s Fight Against Environmental Collapse


    In the rapidly evolving landscape of science fiction literature, a new star emerges on the horizon, casting a long and intriguing shadow over the genre. “Shadow,” penned by the remarkably talented Robert Barner, has swiftly garnered critical acclaim, including a prestigious 5-star rating on Goodreads and another on Reader’s Favorite, marking its place in the literary world. This novel, available on Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble, invites readers on a captivating journey set in a dystopian future, challenging the essence of human identity and our collective destiny.

    A New Vision of the Future

    At the heart of “Shadow is the extraordinary tale of Bobby Haynes, a child prodigy with an uncanny psychic ability, navigating a world on the verge of environmental and societal collapse. The year is 2044, and Bobby, having survived a near-death experience that claimed his physical existence, finds himself in a unique predicament. With his family gone and his body lost, he becomes a shadow, capable of moving between hosts and witnessing the world through others’ eyes. This narrative setup not only introduces us to a novel protagonist but also paints a vivid picture of a near future where humanity teeters on the brink.

    The Journey of a Soul Unbound

    Robert Barner’s “Shadow” is not just a story about survival or the fight against oppressive regimes; it’s a deep dive into the complexities of the human spirit. Bobby, aided by a sentient AI and his unwavering resolve, embarks on a mission to avert the looming catastrophe threatening Earth. Yet, as he jumps from host to host, he’s confronted with the moral dilemmas and emotional intricacies that define the human experience. Through Bobby’s eyes, readers are invited to explore themes of identity, sacrifice, and the search for belonging in a fractured world.

    More Than a Novel: A Mirror to Our World

    Shadow” stands out not only for its thrilling narrative and imaginative scope but also for its poignant reflection on real-world issues. Environmental degradation, the ethical quandaries of advanced technology, and the essence of what it means to be human are woven into the fabric of the story, making it a relevant and compelling read for anyone concerned with the direction our world is heading. Barner, with his background as an executive coach and talent management consultant, infuses the narrative with insights into leadership, resilience, and the power of the human will to effect change.

    Join the Adventure

    For readers eager to lose themselves in a story that combines the best of sci-fi, paranormal elements, and thought-provoking themes, “Shadow” by Robert Barner is an essential addition to their bookshelf. With its unique protagonist and a richly imagined future world, this novel promises an unforgettable journey through the challenges and wonders of what lies ahead for humanity. Whether you’re a long-time fan of dystopian narratives or new to the genre, “Shadow” offers a fresh and captivating experience that resonates long after the last page is turned.

    As “Shadow” continues to receive accolades and attention, it’s clear that Robert Barner has crafted a debut novel that speaks to the heart of science fiction. Exploring the limits of human endurance, the depths of despair, and the heights of hope, “Shadow” is more than a book—it’s a journey into the potential future of our world, challenging us to think, feel, and dream of what might be. So step into the gripping adventure that “Shadow” offers and join Bobby Haynes on his quest to save the Earth and discover the true meaning of being human in a world that’s forgotten how.


    We had the pleasure of interviewing Robert Barner. Here are excerpts from the Interview.

    Hi Robert, Please share some information about yourself with our readers.

    Hi, I’m a business consultant and executive coach, as well as the author of ten business books that have been published in several languages, from Mandarin Chinese to Farsi. Shadow is my debut novel.

    Please tell us about your book, Shadow.

    I wrote Shadow because I’ve been struck by several emerging social trends that have caused me great concern lately. The most important of these is that we are seeing a massive disaster taking place in the world with respect to the collective impact of environmental destruction and climate change. Each day humans and animals are consuming massive amounts of microplastics, as plastics are broken down after use. Twenty percent of the bird population is gone and our bee populations are on the verge of collapse. In short, its a mess. 

    Meanwhile, in America, politicians are protecting children from “woke” policies but refuse to protect them from mass gun killings in their schools, books are being banned from libraries because they violate some parent’s sense of decorum, and climate change and gun violence are being written off by politicians as “fake news,” because those same political leaders depend upon the NRA and major corporations for their election funding.


    I am not rich, and I have no political power, so the only weapon at my disposal is my ability to craft a story that might help capture the attention of my readers and drive important conversations on these subjects.

    The hero of my story is Bobby Haynes – a small, withdrawn boy who the world has given up on as being autistic or as “something that was born broken and not quite right.” But Bobby has a secret – he is a powerful telepath and psychic who struggles to separate out others’ words from their underlying thoughts and emotions. At the age of 9, a near-death experience leaves Bobby without a body, forcing him to exist as a shadow in the minds of others. My thought here was that such a character – forced to move from person to person and share the bodies and lives of their “hosts”- might be able to transcend those superficial divisions of race, social identity, and age that tend to isolate us humans from each other.

    Any message for our readers?

    I hope that readers who connect with my story might pass the message along. My strong belief is that if we want to change lives, our most effective tool is not the use of information and data points but the use of metaphor and story. It is my sincere hope that this is a story that will spread with time.

    Thank you so much, Robert, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!
