A New Perspective on Disability and Race: The Lessons of ‘Everyday Black: Disability’ by Alexis Toliver


    In a world that often overlooks the nuanced experiences of marginalized communities, ‘Everyday Black: Disability’ by Alexis Toliver emerges as a beacon of enlightenment and empowerment. This groundbreaking children’s book aims to fill a significant gap in literature by focusing on narratives that center on Blackness and disability, a realm where representation is alarmingly scarce.

    A Tribute to Black, Deaf/Disabled Lives

    ‘Everyday Black: Disability’ is not just a book; it’s an informative journey into the lives of Black deaf/disabled individuals. Alexis Toliver, driven by the stark underrepresentation in literature, crafts a narrative that introduces young readers to the diverse disabilities within the Black community. Through the stories of Black people living with these disabilities, the book aims to educate, normalize disabled experiences, and celebrate the richness of Black disabled narratives.

    Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that disability affects one in four Black people in the United States—a rate higher than their White, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and Asian counterparts. Despite this significant portion of the population, the stories of Black disabled individuals remain largely untold. Toliver’s work is a heartfelt attempt to change this narrative by offering a platform for these experiences to be shared and appreciated.

    Amplifying Voices, Promoting Inclusion

    Alexis Toliver, an unapologetically Black, nonbinary person with multiple disabilities, embodies the essence of radical activism. Their involvement with the Harriet Tubman Collective and the Disability Health Research Center highlights a life dedicated to the liberation and upliftment of all people, especially those at the intersection of Blackness and disability.

    ‘Everyday Black: Disability’ serves multiple purposes: it is an educational tool, a source of representation, and a call to action. It encourages young readers to develop an appreciation for all life experiences, fostering a sense of curiosity and empathy. By amplifying Black disabled narratives, Toliver hopes to support Black disability culture and impact lives beyond the Black community, promoting a more inclusive and understanding society.

    A Multifaceted Approach to Liberation

    Alexis Toliver’s background as a neuroscientist and activist provides a unique lens through which they approach the topic of disability. Combining their scientific expertise with advocacy, Toliver is committed to creating STEM opportunities for disabled and marginalized individuals. Their accolades, including the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, underscore their significant contributions to both science and social justice.

    Everyday Black: Disability is a testament to Toliver’s multifaceted approach to liberation. By educating and advocating, they aim to dismantle barriers and create a world where every individual, regardless of their abilities or racial background, has the opportunity to thrive. ‘Everyday Black: Disability’ by Alexis Toliver is an essential addition to any bookshelf, offering a poignant look at the intersections of Blackness and disability. Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand and appreciate the full spectrum of human experience. Through Toliver’s narratives, readers are invited to embark on a journey of education, normalization, and celebration of Black, deaf/disabled lives, moving towards a more inclusive and empathetic world.

