Dr. Isola’s desire to make life easier for guitarists led him to invent Busuyi Guitars – The double sided guitars!


Today, we are interviewing Dr. Isola, USPTO inventor of double-sided guitars. He is a multi-instrumentalist, an associate professor of International Finance, a prolific author with 22 titles on Amazon.com and an ordained minister of the gospel.

How did you get into what you do right now? Please tell us more about your journey?

In the ’80s, I went to school to learn rhythm guitar, but with time I had to keep playing bass guitar at various gigs, and it became increasingly difficult to switch between guitars. One day while serving as a church planting missionary to Hong Kong, the idea of a double-sided guitar and the rest is history.

Who are your role models?

Professor E. Lambo was a great influence on how I live today, he worked for the World Health Organization at one time. He was also Health Minister for the Nigerian government.

What inspires you?

The desire to make life easier for people is my greatest motivation.

Please tell us about your company.

Busuyi Guitar LLC was registered in Georgia a few years ago to support the mission of the double-sided guitar.

What’s your most memorable experience?

My most memorable experience was nearly losing the double-sided guitar patent when I was so close to obtaining it. I got this non-final rejection of the patent application without knowing at the time that it was not final. When I got the rejection letter, I just threw it somewhere in the house. The letter had a deadline to respond if I want to dispute the rejection. Earlier during the year, I had a dream warning me not to be stupid that year. So a few days before the deadline, the spirit of God reminded me of the dream and warned that if I don’t respond to that later, I will be acting stupid. So I frantically searched for the letter and started giving the reasons why the double-sided guitar is completely different from all the products cited in the letter. A few weeks later, the patent was granted.

Which social media channels work best for promoting your work? 

I use Facebook and Instagram, but I don’t think they are producing the results I want.


What’s your greatest fear?

It is the fear of not properly marketing the product.

Looking back, what’s one thing you wish you understood better before you ever got started?

I wish I understood new product marketing better before I started.

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

Constantly researching new opportunities has helped a lot.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

The belief that God will not disappoint me helps a lot.

Any message for our readers.

Be careful in dealing with people, there are many vultures out there but be nice to people at the same time.

How can people connect with you?

I can be easily reached at sales@busuyiguitar.com. You can also check out the website and Instagram.


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