The Millennial Therapist Tess Brigham helps young adults and early career professionals through her book and courses ‘True You’


    Tess Brigham has been dubbed the Millennial Therapist, and her True You book as well as courses show just why this nickname is well-earned. True You is a book and also available as a series of courses that will help anyone lost to turn their life around and discover what they truly want and need. 

    Tess herself used to work in Hollywood, but even when it seemed that she had it all at just 27, inside, she was feeling empty and lost. This led to her making the radical choice to turn her life around, and she became a successful therapist and life coach who specializes in helping twenty-somethings discover their best lives and work towards the perfect career. 

    Tess Brigham has developed a series of practical techniques that allow her clients to navigate better the usual challenges of life, like career burnout, anxiety, dating, and all other issues that occur in the world. Her tactics are radically practical – focused on action, easy to carry out, and all about making little changes one step at a time to achieve significant and sustainable success.

    Tess has over 15 years of experience helping young people find their purpose and build their confidence. Her work has been featured in numerous publications, as featured on her website.

    True You is a book and is also available as a course with three elements. The complete series features three parts: Radically RealDecision Designer, and Goal Getter. The objective of the book and the course is to help the reader/student develop strategies to create the future they want to have and to take actionable steps toward said future. Each part of True You features six videos and two workbooks that provide a foundation for effectively building one’s own future.


    Radically Real focuses on strategies for recognizing negative thoughts and reducing anxiety. Decision Designer helps the person feel more comfortable with big choices and reduces the anxiety that can be linked to the idea of making decisions. Goal Getter helps the person get serious about their future and walks them through a series of exercises to map out their perfect life and build enough confidence to begin pursuing it as well.

    This book and course are perfect for twenty-something people who feel a little lost in life or who struggle to understand where to go in life. Tess specializes in helping people find clarity and confidence to construct the life they want, to move from a state of “pre-life,” one that doesn’t feel satisfying or meaningful, to the best situation for any individual. Her book and courses include the same techniques she uses and sees working on her clients and are offered in an easy and actionable way, so anyone can begin to apply the techniques they are learning. Everything is very practical and oriented towards sustainable change for the better. 

    You can find True You on Tess’s website at You can get the complete series or one of the mini-courses. In addition to this, Tess has other books and courses, but True You is a perfect guide to moving over to the best life step by step without anxiety.

    We had the pleasure of interviewing Tess Brigham. Here are the excerpts from the interview. 

    Hi Tess, Great to have you with us today! Please share with our readers about yourself.

    Hi, I’m a licensed psychotherapist and certified coach, and now author! 

    Please tell us about your book.

    My book is True You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Conquering Your Quarter-Life Crisis. This book is for anyone going through a quarter-life crisis or simply feeling like they have no idea how to be successful during their 20-something/early 30-something years. True You is a resource for those who are feeling stuck, uninspired, or uncertain about where they are in life.

    The book is a combination of the story of my own quarter-life crisis over 20 years ago as well as stories from my clients struggling with the most common issues young people experience. At the end of each chapter, I provide the reader with an exercise to help them feel more confident and in control of their lives. 

    In Chapter 2, I share a story of a client named Brooke. She’s a smart, funny, ambitious young woman who always did well in school, only to find that the things she did in school to help her succeed were not working in the workplace. She hates her job and just wants to be happy. Throughout the chapter, I explore what’s in Brooke’s way and what is causing her to feel like a total failure. 

    In Chapter 4, I introduce you to Trent and how the fear loop keeps people from putting themselves in new situations that seem scary but where they might actually enjoy themselves. 

    In Chapter 6, you’ll meet the shopaholic lawyer: Olivia. She’s afraid to leave her high-paying job because she thinks she’ll disappoint her parents or not be able to afford to live if she follows her heart and applies for a job with a non-profit. Through Olivia’s story, you’ll find out how she conquers it all and finally finds happiness. 

    Please tell us about your journey. 

    My work as a psychotherapist and certified coach started after my own life transformation took place. At age 27, I seemed to have it all as a top Hollywood junior talent manager. But on the inside, things felt empty and pointless. I took a huge risk, quit my job, and rebuilt a career and life I love. Now I help other young adults, and early-career professionals navigate the same quarter-life process with practical experience and insights on finding happiness and clarity. 

    What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey? 

    Many of the strategies I used to become successful are all taught in the book. Though I will say what has helped me the most is the willingness to get uncomfortable and let go of what or who I thought I should be and start focusing on the person I became and doing things that made her happy.

    Any message for our readers. 

    There is so much noise in the world today between social media, the internet, and your family and friends’ opinions. The only voice you should be listening to is yours. You can create the life you want, but it takes the willingness to let go of the easy and comfortable and start challenging yourself to make choices that align with what you (and only you) want for your life. 

    Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you? 

    You can visit my website, where you can learn more about me, as well as check out my other ebooks and programs for sale. I’m also on TikTok and post “how to” videos all the time, and I’m a regular contributor to Forbes and CNBC.  

    You can follow me on Instagram @tess_brigham.

    Thank you so much, Tess, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!
