How AWAREness Can Transform Your Life: A Journey to Self-Discovery with Melissa Liebersohn

    Melissa Liebersohn

    In a world teeming with the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding a guiding light to lead us through the fog of our own doubts and fears is a blessing. Melissa Liebersohn, a certified life coach, emerges as such a beacon, illuminating the path to personal growth and fulfillment with her unique concept of “AWAREness.” Let’s dive into the heart of Melissa’s philosophy and how she’s transforming lives, one soul at a time.

    The Path to Personal Empowerment

    Melissa Liebersohn’s approach to life coaching is anything but ordinary. It’s built on the foundation of authenticity, warmth, appreciation, respect, and empowerment. These are not just words to Melissa; they are the pillars that support every interaction, guiding her clients toward a life of truthful self-expression and personal success.

    At the core of “AWAREness” lies the belief that by being authentic and respectful towards ourselves and others, we foster a positive mindset that is essential for growth. Melissa challenges her clients to scrutinize their negative thoughts, helping them differentiate between what is a fact and what is a fear masquerading as truth. Through open discussions and self-reflection, individuals find themselves on a journey of self-discovery, unearthing opportunities for both personal and professional development that were previously obscured by self-doubt.

    Melissa’s goal is ambitious yet simple: to create a community thriving on honest self-expression, mutual respect, and love. By prioritizing emotional intelligence and positive communication, she lays the groundwork for her clients to not just reach their goals but to redefine what they thought was possible, optimizing their life’s potential.

    Journey to Finding One’s Calling

    Melissa’s own journey to becoming a life coach is a testament to the power of listening to one’s inner voice. From being the go-to person for guidance in her personal circles to a fulfilling yet not quite satisfying career in corporate HR, Melissa’s path was one of gradual self-realization. It was the transformation she witnessed in a client during her stint in personal styling — from insecurity to self-love — that crystallized her calling.

    Today, Melissa’s coaching extends beyond traditional settings, incorporating the serene presence of alpacas and a llama on her farm. These animals serve not just as therapy aids but as partners in grounding her clients, allowing them to experience the moment and understand what authentic kindness feels like. This unique approach underscores Melissa’s belief in the therapeutic power of nature and animals, providing a tranquil backdrop for exploration and growth.

    Melissa Liebersohn

    Unlocking Your AWAREness

    Melissa’s life coaching is a journey into the soul, guided by empathy, devoid of judgment, and rich in kindness. Her empathic nature allows her to forge strong, trusting relationships, creating a safe space for her clients to open up and explore their deepest aspirations and fears.

    For Melissa, AWAREness is more than a methodology; it’s a way of life. It’s about recognizing the intrinsic value within ourselves and cherishing it. Through her guidance, individuals learn to heed their inner voice, steer their life in the direction of their dreams, and tap into the wellspring of potential that lies within.

    As we navigate the complexities of life, Melissa Liebersohn stands as a reminder of the beauty and power of AWAREness. Her work is not just about reaching destinations but about enriching the journey with self-love, respect, and an unwavering belief in our potential.

    To embark on this transformative journey with Melissa, explore her insights and stories of change, visit her Instagram @awarenesslifecoach, or delve deeper into the philosophy of AWAREness on the website. Here, you can discover the essence of empowerment and, perhaps, unlock your own beauty of AWAREness.


    We had the pleasure of interviewing Melissa Liebersohn. Here are excerpts from the interview.

    Hi Melissa, It’s great to have you with us today! Please share your journey with our readers. 

    Hi, helping others to FEEL better was something I intuitively knew I wanted to do. I was the family member, friend, co-worker and sometimes strangers that came to me for assistance with troubles in their life. I didn’t pay attention to that small voice in my head telling me this was my calling. I worked in corporate HR for my career, and while it was a position that tapped into me being of assistance to others it wasn’t fulfilling me on a personal level. I was missing the interpersonal connections and having people truly feel comfortable with me and sharing what, deep down, was their voids. I left corporate HR and started a personal styling business, which allowed me to tap into my creative side. One particular client I worked with was struggling with her self-confidence and while trying to build her closet with fun clothes, I was tapping into truly building her self confidence. She cried the day we finished, and I saw her transform into a much more confident lady, allowing herself to love herself with in. That was when I paid attention to that little voice inside me that was now yelling, go help people, this is your true calling.  

    Melissa Liebersohn

    Please tell us about your work and about the concept of “AWAREness.”

    I live on a small farm and have 3 dogs, 3 Alpacas, and a Llama. I am coaching clients with the animals as it is a vessel for therapy. They help ground you, be in the moment, and help people see what authentic kindness feels like. I am a true empath and feel that is one of my gifts that allows me to have strong, trusting, productive relationships. I never judge; I listen with a kind and warm heart and care deeply for all of us to live the life we want, what we are meant to do and paying attention to that small voice in the back of each heads. Authenticity, Warmth, Appreciation, Respect, Empowerment is AWAREness, what I go back to with any issue or problem. It’s fundamental for personal growth.  

    Having AWAREness in your life steers you in the right direction every time. I’m helping people tap into their AWAREnessand reminding them of the value it brings and the value within that we all have and should cherish.

    Thank you so much, Melissa, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!
